Application for Leadership Team
Please fill out the form below to apply for a position on the leadership team for 5th Grade Day Retreat. This event will be at Trinity Episcopal Church on May 11th from 11am-3pm.
Basic Information
First and Last Name
Age and Grade
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Home Church Information
Church Name
Priest or Youth Leader
Are you involved in Youth Group?
Have you ever been to a diocesan lead youth event before? If so which one? (Conferences, snowtubing, middle school Retreat, etc)
What makes you want to apply for a position on the leadership team?
Do you have any experience working with or leading children, if so, please tell me about that:
Are you available to attend a planning meeting on Sunday April 14th at 3pm at the diocesan office in Asheville?
Will you be able to come early and stay late to help with setting up and cleaning up? (10am-4pm)
Why do you think kindness is cool?
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