Dear Friend
The Passover Seder begins with the words, “All those who are hungry come and eat; all in need come and join the Passover ritual.”
This invitation sets the tone for the entire Festival. Chabad ensures that the material and spiritual needs of our dear brothers and sisters are always provided for.
Chabad NE London & Essex is dedicated to all members of the greater Essex community every day of the year. Our open policy accepts any Jew regardless of their background or affiliation.
Prior to Pesach, Chabad distributes Matza and Holiday necessities to needy families, ensuring that they have the basics to enjoy their Pesach.
Since March 2020, the start of the pandemic, our weekly food distribution packages have increased multifold. Every week, food is collected from many sources and each Thursday sees teams of volunteers working at our Centre to redistribute food parcels to many needy families.
In addition each family receives a home made ready to eat meal of chicken soup, chicken, kugel, vegetables, a dessert and a homemade challah prepared in our Chabad kitchen.
In addition to our Outreach, Education and Social Activities, our Crisis Drop-In, Counselling and Support Services are ongoing 24/7.
Share in the pride of knowing you helped touch the lives of others, whether it is physically, emotionally or spiritually.
By making your donation now, you are partnering with the work of Chabad, for which we thank you in advance.
Wishing You and Yours a Happy, Kosher Pesach.
Rabbi A M Sufrin MBE