12/3/24 - A new section of Crickets (beginning violin) has opened on Mondays at 2:30 starting on January 6.
11/6/24 - Outdoor Adventure Skills (winter term) has been cancelled.
11/4/24 - New elective for grades 9-12: Rivendell Writers & Readers Guild on Monday afternoons 3:00-4:30 starting on January 20
9/30/24 - New elective for grades 3-5: Around the World with Literature on Tuesday afternoons 1:30-2:45 starting on January 7.
9/24/24 - Rock Climbing moved to 11:30 am on Monday.
8/7/24 - New opening in Drawing (fall), Drawing (winter), Lit Circle (Thu PM)
8/5/24 - Jeff Boriss will teach Tech Arts elective. New time 3:00 pm on Monday.
8/5/24 - Rock Climbing elective venue fee established for winter term.
4/29/24 - New Logic-level Outdoor Adventure Inro (grades 5-8)