We/I the parent(s) of Youth Participant, or Adult/Open Class Participant (Fill in name), First Name* Last Name* , do hereby release and hold harmless the Mahoning County Agricultural Society, its officers, employees, directors, their heirs, and assignees, and the advisors of the Equine Clubs, Committee or Junior Fair organizations, from any damages or claims of damages as a result of an accident or injury to my/our child or myself, named above, his/her or my animal(s) and/or personal belongings while participating in activities conducted at the Canfield Fairgrounds. I /We understand that a copy of this liability form will be kept on file in the Canfield Fair Office and with the Mahoning Saddle Horse Committee during the year of 2024 and the beginning of 2025.
I/We, the parents'/guardians' of Equine Youth member, or adult/open class participant (Fill in name), First Name Last Name , have a current health insurance policy covering my child or myself with the following insurance company. Name of Insurance Company Street Address Address Line 2 City State Zip (______) Phone Number