Diocesan Leadership Needs Assessment
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Take our confidential 5-minute assessment below.
1. Our leadership team lacks a clear vision for the flourishing of our diocese.
2. Our priests have a hard time accessing regular spiritual direction.
3. We regularly (a couple times a year or more) need to send priests away to costly treatment programs.
4. Our diocesan leadership team needs to improve its leadership skills.
5. There are unhealthy divisions among our presbyterate related to age, formation, loyalties, politics, etc.
6. We lack good resources and knowledge on how to support struggling priests.
7. Our leadership struggles with good communication and conflict resolution.
8. There is distrust between the presbyterate and the chancery.
9. A large proportion of our presbyterate struggles with high stress and/or compassion fatigue.
10. The bishop of our diocese experiences high stress and discouragement.
11. Our presbyterate lacks strong priestly fraternity.
12. Our priests have a hard time finding and using authentically Catholic mental health resources.
13. The diocesan leadership team struggles to reach its goals.
14. Our presbyterate expresses a lack of support from the bishop or chancery.
15. We need to develop a better “playbook” for supporting struggling priests that effectively rehabilitates their priesthood.
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