How to Achieve CM-Accurate Positioning for Mass-Market IoT Devices
This global navigation satellite system (GNSS) white paper explains how the latest advancements in this form of connectivity are enabling mass-market IoT applications.
GNSS has been widely used for decades, but limitations in its accuracy and reliability have created implementation challenges for newer, mass-market IoT devices such as e-scooters, robotic lawnmowers and autonomous robotic devices.
Topics include:
- Why GNSS alone is not enough
- Overcoming GNSS limitations
- Mass-market localization
- Field test demonstrations for e-scooters and robotic lawnmowers
In this white paper, Quectel explores how the limitations of traditional GNSS technology are being addressed, and show how enhancements such as multi-band GNSS, RTK and dead reckoning can allow positioning solutions to achieve high precision and consistent accessibility. This enables GNSS modules to reliably support a wide range of mass-market IoT applications once thought beyond their reach.
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