For any company (whether startup, well-established or international) working in the field of technology developing medical devices, IT platforms, health apps, or diagnostic tools aiming to improve the lives of people living with rare disease. Any stages of product development will be considered, including early-stage innovations.
Patients or patient representatives may also nominate a company which they believe meets most of these criteria.
The following criteria will be considered during the nominations reviewing process. These criteria are guidelines for your submission and not an exhaustive list.
- The positive impact on the daily lives of patients and their carers.
- The potential of the technology to help address multiple needs and disease areas
- The potential of the technology to be scaled up
- The extent to which the technology captures data on the impact of the disease and enables the collection of real-world evidence to improve treatment outcomes.
- For early stage innovations, to what extent is the technology pioneering in its approach?
- The extent to which the technology ensures that data is collected from medically validated sources
- Is there published literature that validates the technology
- How does the technology ensure that patient data is protected and can be accessed
- The extent to which the technology allows more patients to be reached, especially those who live in areas where there is little to no infrastructure for rare diseases
Please answer as many of the following questions as you can to give us a complete overview of why this company deserves to be considered for this award.