warrant and represent that I am in good health physically, mentally, psychologically and emotionally, I understand and warrant that if I am not in good health I will not be allowed to perform the activities and sessions.
Accordingly, to the declaration and certification that I am in good health in all the above-mentioned respects constitutes a material agreement to allow me to participate in the breathing sessions.
I know and acknowledge that the person facilitating is not a doctor or psychiatrist, or a specialist in health care, and that the activities offered are not intended to treat and diagnose specific medical conditions, whether physical, psychological or emotional.
I voluntarily participate in these activities knowing the risks and consequences and agree to assume all consequences, known or not.
I release trainer Elizabeth Mueller (and assistants) from all responsibilities, costs and damages that may arise from participating in the above-mentioned activity.
I agree to accept financial responsibility for costs related to treatment.
By adding my name below, I acknowledge that I have read the above warning and agree to proceed with full responsibility, and understand that I have waived certain rights by signing and signing this release of liability freely and voluntarily without any external influence.