1. Tangihanga take priority over marae bookings.
2. Manaaki i te tangata, at all times.
3. Tamariki to be supevised at all times.
4. Adhere to AV Equipment use instructions.
5. Adhere to Health, Safety and Evacuation Procedure.
6. No food or drink to be consumed in wharenui.
7. Photographs or videos taken on marae complex, must have trustee approval.
8. Green matresses in wharenui are not to be removed.
10. Wharenui - Matresses stacked tidy, linen put in laundry bag, vacuum.
11. Wharekai - Tables set (as per photo displayed), floors mopped.
12. Kāuta - To be cleaned, food removed, mopped, chiller and fridge wiped clean.
13. Wharepaku - floors mopped, clean hand basin, showers + toilets.
14. No shoes to be worn in wharenui.
15. Heat pumps are to be switched off when unattended.
16. Lights to be switched off at night when not in use.
17. Gas stove to be switched off when not in use.
18. No dragging of tables and chairs, they must be lifted as floors mark easily.
19. Overnight hirer must supply dish liquid, disinfectant, rubbish bags + bathroom cleaner.
20. Marae property and equipment must not to be removed from the marae complex.
21. Smoking is not permitted in any of the buildings or marae grounds with the exception of the designated smoking area provided (shelter).
22. Alcohol is permitted and must be consumed in a respectful manner at all times, with consideration for all present at the Marae.
23. The use of illegal drugs within the Marae complex will not be tolerated.
24. No Gang Regalia. Gang patches, clothing of any colour representing gang affiliation are not to be worn on our Marae. (Legal action will be taken if the hirer does not comply with this).
25. Please respect our Papakāinga space. Although they are marae owned, they are private homes of our whānau who whakapapa to our whenua.
(GST applies to all hire charges incl. linen)
Whakapapa rates:
Daytime - $30.00 p/h | O/N - $180.00 per night
Half Day (4hrs max) - $300.00 | O/N - $500.00 per night
Schools, Kōhanga Reo + ECE visits/wānanga/workshop:
Half day - $200.00 | Full day - $300.00 | O/N - $350.00
Day Hire $100.00 | Overnight stay/s $200.00
Cultural Services + Other:
Linen - $90.00 per stay (optional)
Local Hītori/History - $100.00