FBCG All Over - St. Louis
We are excited to welcome you to FBCG All Over in St. Louis on Oct. 18-19, 2024. Join us for worship service with Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. and FBCG Music and Arts on Friday, Oct. 18 at 7 p.m. and a special in-person Baptism service on Saturday morning, Oct. 19. Space is limited, so please use this form to RSVP for the Friday service and the Baptism service if you need to be baptized. The event will be held at Refresh Community Church, 829 N Hanley Road, University City, MO 63130.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
How did you FIRST hear about this event?
FBCG Email Blast
FBCG Social Media
FBCG Website
Invited by a friend
FBCG All Over Atlanta Event
Text Message from Pastor KD
Which FBCG All Over event(s) will you attend?
ONLY the Worship service, 10/18/24 at 7 p.m.
ONLY the Baptism service, 10/19/24.
BOTH the Worship service and the Baptism service.
Who's coming with you to the Worship service on 10/18/24?
Please Select
Just me!
I am bringing 1 other person
I am bringing 2 other people
I am bringing 3 other people
I am bringing 4 other people
I am bringing 5 other people
I am bringing more than 5 other people.
Will any of your guests include children, grades K-5?
Please Select
Yes, 1 child grades K-5
Yes, 2 children grades K-5
Yes, 3 children grades K-5
Yes, 4 children grades K-5
Yes, 5 or more children grades K-5
No, I am not bringing children grades K-5 with me.
Will you be traveling more than 200 miles to attend this event?
Yes, I am traveling from Maryland to support Pastor Jenkins
Yes, I am traveling from someplace other than Maryland
Traveling from Maryland: Do you wish to receive from us about recommended hotels and our FBCG ground transportation package?
Yes, please send me information!
No thank you. I have my own arrangements.
Attending the Baptism service. Which of the following describes the reason you're attending the Baptism service?
I plan to get baptized. I need baptism to complete my FBCG membership requirements.
I want to get re-baptized. I am an FBCG member desiring to be re-baptized.
I am attending the service to support those being baptized, but I am NOT getting baptized.
Planning to get baptized. Please note that we only perform baptisms as an FBCG membership requirement or for FBCG members who desire to be re-baptized. You must be an FBCG member or member prospect in order to be baptized. We will verify your membership prior to Oct. 19. Please acknowledge your receipt and understanding of this information.
I acknowledge.
Of which FBCG Campus are you a part? (When you spoke to an intake counselor, you should have designated a campus. Please select the campus you designated during your intake session.)
Maryland Campus
Online Campus
Is the person being baptized a child (under age 18) or a person with special needs who is unable to complete this form on his/her own?
Parent / Guardian First and Last Name
First Name
Last Name
Parent/Guardian Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Parent / Guardian Email Address
License, Release of Liability and Waiver (for Parents of Minors): I hereby release, discharge, and agree to save harmless FBCG, its representatives, assigns, contractors, pastors, elders, members, directors, staff, and all aforementioned entities, from and against any and all liability, including but not limited to, liability arising from the negligence or fault of the entities or persons released by me, or any persons acting on my behalf, and from any claims by me, or on my behalf, for any claim based upon: (a) my participation in my baptism being organized by FBCG and (b) any personal injury, disability, death, property damage, property theft, or actions of any kind, including but not limited to during my traveling to and from any location to participate in my baptism, or which may hereafter occur to me because of my participation in the FBCG baptism service including but not limited to participation in being submerged in water, other activities or presence in the aforementioned location in whatever capacity, transportation provided to and from the aforementioned location; the actions, negligence or omissions of any other persons involved in the baptism service, travel, any other related actions or activity; and/or any other activities related to the participants or the condition of the premises in which the aforementioned activities are held.I, hereby certify that I am the Parent or Legal Guardian of the above-mentioned minor, and that I have read the forgoing release authorization and agreement and understand the contents thereof, and that I agree to the terms thereof.
I agree
License, Release of Liability and Waiver: I hereby release, discharge, and agree to save harmless FBCG, its representatives, assigns, contractors, pastors, elders, members, directors, staff, and all aforementioned entities, from and against any and all liability, including but not limited to, liability arising from the negligence or fault of the entities or persons released by me, or any persons acting on my behalf, and from any claims by me, or on my behalf, for any claim based upon: (a) my participation in my baptism being organized by FBCG and (b) any personal injury, disability, death, property damage, property theft, or actions of any kind, including but not limited to during my traveling to and from any location to participate in my baptism, or which may hereafter occur to me because of my participation in the FBCG baptism service including but not limited to participation in being submerged in water, other activities or presence in the aforementioned location in whatever capacity, transportation provided to and from the aforementioned location; the actions, negligence or omissions of any other persons involved in the baptism service, travel, any other related actions or activity; and/or any other activities related to the participants or the condition of the premises in which the aforementioned activities are held. I hereby certify that I am 18 years of age or older, and competent in my own name as the above is concerned. I have read the foregoing release, authorization and agreement, before typing my signature below, and warrant that I fully understand the contents thereof.
I agree
Address of the Person Being Baptized
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
What is the sweat pants size of the person being baptized?
Please Select
Extra Small
Extra Large
2X Large
3X Large
4X Large
You will be given a pair of sweat pants for your baptism.
What is the T-shirt size of the person being baptized?
Please Select
Extra Small
Extra Large
2X Large
3X Large
4X Large
You will be given a unisex T-shirt for your baptism.
Would you like to be notified of future FBCG All Over events?
Yes! Please add me to your mailing list.
No thank you.
Submit RSVP
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