Courtesy Seat Information:
Where bus routes have been established and there is available space on a bus, students who are not eligible for transportation based on distance, may apply for permission to ride the bus. This will be applied uniformly in all schools throughout the jurisdiction of Halton Student Transportation Services (HSTS).
Courtesy Transportation is subject to the following conditions:
- The application and approval are for the upcoming school year only.
- Students receiving approval must access the bus at an existing bus stop location.
- No route changes will be made and no new stops will be added.
- Parent/Guardian is responsible for the student's safety and conduct to/from and at the bus stop.
- The School Principal supports the application.
- Permission to ride the bus may be withdrawn at any time if the seat is required by an eligible rider.
- Riding privileges will be withdrawn for the remainder of the school year for acts of misconduct.
- No additional cost will be incurred by the Board.
- For this purpose only, acceptable loads on a bus rated at 72 passengers will be: JK to Grade 8 - 55 students (maximum) Grade 9 to 12 - 42 students (maximum). This loading factor may be adjusted for growth area vehicles.
Application Process:
The courtesy seat application form for the upcoming school year is available online from April 15th until June 30th.
HSTS cannot consider any new registrants or late applications.
When will I be Informed of a Decision?
The ability for HSTS to accommodate the courtesy seat will be communicated via email to the primary contact as provided to the school board by the third week of August.
At that time, transportation details will be available to view on our Parent Portal.
If a Courtesy Seat can be Accomodated:
- Courtesy riders can begin taking the bus on the first day of school.
- Kindergarten courtesy riders will be provided a bus tag by the school. Parents are asked to review the Information for parents of JK/SK Students available on
- We strongly encourage any families with Kindergarten students or students new to bussing to visit our safety page on to access videos and resources about school bus safety.