This Langston Tabor Scholarship Program is one of several scholarship programs hosted and operated by the Tabor 100 organization. Our supporting partners in this program are the Tabor 100 Sponsors and the Black Business Equity Fund Sponsors.
There will be TWO $2,500 Langston Tabor Scholarships awarded, potentially renewable for a total of four years. [Maximum full amount: $10,000 per scholar] All application elements are due on April 19, 2024.
These Langston Tabor Scholarships will only be open to the children of Tabor 100 members, and will serve as yet another benefit of Tabor membership.
We are actively encouraging African-American high school students interested in all college disciplines to apply for this scholarship. Current college students should also apply.
In selecting the Langston Tabor Scholarship recipients, the selection committee will follow the guidelines outlined below. These guidelines are deemed to be critical elements in assessing the achievements, character, and future potential of the candidates under review. Taken as a whole, they afford an excellent evaluation metric, and the selection committee should take care not to put any one element above all others.
The specific application guidelines are presented below:
a. The candidates shall be sons and daughters of Tabor 100 members, enrolled in or enrolling in an academic course of study that helps prepare them for a career in any field.
b. All candidates may pursue a course of study at any college or university.
c. The candidates shall have a track record of high academic achievement and/or potential.
d. The candidates should be in clear financial need.
e. The candidate’s personal history and actions should be consistent with Tabor 100’s mission:
“Tabor 100 is an association of entrepreneurs and business advocates who are committed to economic power, educational excellence and social equity for African-Americans and the community at large.”
f. The candidates’ personal history and actions should reflect that he or she has created, or is working to create, something of benefit to the next generation.
g. The candidates’ personal history and actions should show a willingness to pass-on their good fortune to others in need, and reflect a spirit of generosity.
h. The candidates’ personal history and actions should show that he or she is helping to build the community
Application and Selection Process
The Langston Tabor Scholarships are offered to undergraduate and graduate students in colleges within the Puget Sound area, or across the United States.
1. All applications will be reviewed and scored based personal statement and essay, letters of recommendation, applicant responses, GPA, possible interview, and thoroughness of the application package.
2. A Tabor 100 selection panel will review finalist applications and an in-person or telephone interview might be required for final selection.
3. Local award recipient[s] should be willing to attend an award event in Seattle, WA in September.
4. Application materials are attached, and are available for download at the Tabor 100 web site.
5. No applications will be mailed from or will be available in the Tabor 100 offices.
6. All completed application packages must be received at the Tabor 100 office not later than: APRIL 19, 2024.
7. An email confirmation of receipt will be provided to each eligible applicant.
Recipient Selection
Applications are reviewed by a selection committee and all applicants chosen for interviews will be notified by May 3, 2024. Any interviews will be completed by May 11, 2024.
Recipients are selected on the basis of
leadership, participation in school, community activities, academic achievement, honors, financial need, work experience, statement of career and educational goals, and recommendations. The number of scholarships
awarded will be based on the recommendation of the Scholarship Selection Committee and available funds. All final applicants will be notified of the awards decision on or before May 17, 2024.
Applicant Responsibility
Students should return the completed application, a current (or most recent) high school or college transcript, essay and other components to the Tabor 100 Scholarship Committee on or before April 19, 2024. Applicants are also responsible for assuring all necessary information is submitted in full by the deadline. The Scholarship Committee will review all completed application packets.
All applicants must meet the Tabor 100 parent requirements to be considered for the scholarship.
The application process opens on March 25, 2024, with all applications due on April 19, 2024.
Application components:
1] Cover letter / personal statement – Discuss how you meet the criteria for the Scholarships.
2] Essay: 500 words -- What do you see as your role in serving as an inspiration for high school students?
3] Official Transcript from your current high school or college.
4] Resume.
5] 2 recommendation letters.
6] Interview -- If selected.