Innovation Zone (IZ) Application 2024-25
New Mexico Public Education Department
*You will need to submit a separate application for each current innovation zone high school that you would like to be considered for the innovation zone funding.
LEA Name
District Name
Contact Person Name (First and Last)
Phone Number
Which Region is your school located in?
Please Select
Region A
Region B
Region C
Region D
Region E
Region G
Region H
Region I
Region J
Region K
Section 1
1. Total number of students in grades 9-12 combined, on your campus.
2. Current number of CTE participants on your campus.
3. List all current CTE programs of study that you offer on your campus.
4. Number of CTE certifications students received during the 2022-23 school year.
5. Current number of CTE instructional staff
6. # of staff you plan to assign to IZ, their role/job, what fund source will be. (Example: John Doe, WBL Coordinator, Innovation Zone, 50%)
7. Which of the following equity outcomes is your Innovation Zone plan designed to address? List all that apply.
Increase graduation rates, including each disaggregated Martinez-Yazzie subgroup
Improve attendance rates, including each disaggregated Martinez-Yazzie subgroup
Improve school climate (include pre-survey results)
Increase post-secondary placement outcomes
Other (please specify measurable outcome)
8. What is your innovation plan, including your long-term vision and overall goal for innovation in the school?
9. How will funding in the 24-25 cycle help you accomplish your vision and goal listed in #8?
10. How has the student experience changed since implementing the elements of the Innovation Zone?
11. Discuss your sustainability plan, past the Innovation Zone grant funding.
12. How did you determine your Innovation Zone priorities? Describe the needs assessment and process you used.
13. How will you evaluate your school’s progress towards the goals you set for this year?
14. How are you reducing barriers among special populations such as special education, English language learners, non-traditional, McKinney-Vento students, etc.?
15. How will all students in grades 9-12 benefit from Innovation Zone programming such as capstones, CTE programs of study, WBL...?
In response to Martinez and Yazzie Consolidated Lawsuit, the NMPED requires that state supported LEAs create and participate in an Equity Council with the “intention of convening stakeholders to drive local, community-based, transformative solutions that will establish equity in education.”
16. Name the individuals on your Equity Council that are part of your Innovation Zone planning and evaluation (Tribally controlled schools are exempt from this requirement - type N/A if not applicable).
All Innovation Zone budgets and program decisions must be driven by a local Graduate Profile and include Career Technical Education, work-based learning, and project-based capstones.
17. Do you have a Graduate Profile? If yes, describe the process you implemented, who helped create it, what steps were taken, etc.? Attach graduate profile in the next section. If no, describe your progress to date and provide a timeline for the creation of your profile.
Graduate Profile Upload (Save file as: School Name_Grad Profile_27552_IZ_24-25)
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18. Describe the Work-Based Learning opportunities you will offer students with this funding, including an estimate of the number of students involved.
Work-Based Learning experiences can include job shadowing, internships, job placements, etc.
19. Describe the project-based capstone opportunities (both CTE and Community) you are offering or will offer students with this funding. Include course codes that you are using.
20. Identify any contractors you will work with to support your Innovation Zone.
21. List all community/industry partners that are part of your innovation zone grant.
Please upload three letters of partnership/support from community/industry partners that you are working with or plan to work with.
Letter of Partnership/Support 1. (Save file as: SchoolName_L1_27552_IZ_24-25)
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Letter of Partnership/Support 2. (Save file as: SchoolName_L2_27552_IZ_24-25)
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Letter of Partnership/Support 3. (Save file as: SchoolName_L3_27552_IZ_24-25)
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Section 2 (Current Innovation Zone Programming)
22. How long you have been an Innovation Zone School
Cohort 1 - 2022-23
Cohort 2 - 2023-24
22a. What percentage of your 22-23 budget was remaining at the end of that fiscal year?
22b. Has your graduation rate improved since becoming an innovation zone school? Include supporting documentation of your student success.
23. What percentage of your current 23-24 IZ budget will be left unspent?
24. Has your attendance rate improved since becoming an Innovation Zone School? Include supporting documentation of your student success.
25. How many Innovation Zone community of practice meetings or cohort meetings (organized by FFE) has your school attended?
26. Did you complete your Innovation Zone pre and post surveys from NMSU?
I don't know
26. SIX ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS A. Collaborative Leadership, Shared Power and Voice B. Powerful Student and Family Engagement C. Expanded, Enriched, and Relevant Learning Opportunities D. Meaningful Community-Connected Classroom Instruction E. Integrated Systems of Support F. Culture of Belonging, Safety, and Care. Please evaluate and describe your progress within the six essential elements below. What is your progress and what are your plans?
27A. Collaborative Leadership, Shared Power and Voice. What is your progress and what are your plans to establish this element? Give examples of quantitative measurements (Example: LEA develops and implements a co-designed annual survey of parents/students to get feedback on programs and policy. How many surveys were completed?).
Martinez-Yazzie: Failure to meet the NM constitutional obligation to provide an adequate, sufficient education to children experiencing poverty, English learners, Native American students, and children with disabilities.
27B. Powerful Student and Family Engagement. What is your progress and what are your plans to establish this element? Give examples of quantitative measures. (Example: Data related to engagement increase in parent volunteers or participating in school events, initiatives, etc).
Martinez-Yazzie Findings: Failure to meet the NM constitutional obligation to provide an adequate, sufficient education to children experiencing poverty, English learners, Native American students, and children with disabilities.
27C. Expanded, Enriched, and Relevant Learning Opportunities. What is your progress and what are your plans to establish this element? Give examples of quantitative measures. (Example: Increased 4-year graduation rates and increased postsecondary acceptance and enrollment particularly for historically marginalized groups).
Martinez-Yazzie Findings: Limited access to after school, summer school, and extended learning time programs.
27D. Meaningful Community-Connected Classroom Instruction. What is your progress and what are your plans to establish this element? Give examples of quantitative measures. (Example: Number of students, families, and community members that engaged in the Graduate Profile process).
Martinez-Yazzie Findings: Failure to develop culturally-relevant curriculum and instructional material.
27E. Integrated Systems of Support. What is your progress and what are your plans to establish this element? Give examples of quantitative measures. (Example: Number of robust academic, social-emotional, health and well-being supports integrated into the student experience).
Martinez-Yazzie Findings: Insufficient resources for counselors, social workers and other non instructional staff.
27F. Culture of Belonging, Safety, and Care. What is your progress and what are your plans to establish this element? Give examples of quantitative measures. (Example: Percentage decrease in students who are chronically absent).
Martinez-Yazzie Findings: If school factors support and strengthen students' cultural and ethnic identities, student achievement tends to benefit.
Section 3 Budget Proposal ($100,000 minimum)
*If you do not intend to fund each essential practice and/or element, please provide an explanation of why you do not need to use IZ funds for that requirement (for example, you could describe how your school is using Community Schools funding to create Meaningful Community-Connected Classroom Instruction).
28. What are your braided funding sources that you plan to include in your Innovation Zone program?
Note: This is competitive funding and budget changes may not be approved.
Using the excel template provided by the CCRB, provide a budget proposal that addresses all six essential practices, and includes the required elements of IZ (graduate profile, work-based learning and CTE).
Excel Document - Tab 1: An example of how to fill in your proposal. Tab 2: Use this to complete your proposal.
Budget Proposal (Save file as: SchoolName_ Budget Proposal_27552_IZ_24-25)
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PowerPoint Presentation Your presentation should outline the areas in the template provided to you. Please organize your presentation to showcase and provide visual elements on how you have utilized your Innovation Zone funding this year (2023-24). Save as a pdf prior to uploading.
PowerPoint Presentation (Save file as: SchoolName_ PPT_27552_IZ_24-25)
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(By checking these boxes you are agreeing to our terms - should you have any questions please contact us)
By checking this box, I acknowledge and inform the NM PED-CCRB that my school is applying for competitive grant funding made available through the state legislative appropriation referred to as Innovation Zone.
I acknowledge.
I understand that my application for this funding will be reviewed on the basis of its merit: A) as a regionally relevant program of study recommended in the local needs assessment and B) as an implementation plan that will advance student outcomes of employment or continued pursuit of postsecondary educational outcomes.
I acknowledge
Merit will be assessed as compared with all other applications received. Funding award notifications will be provided electronically and in letter form.
I acknowledge
I have completed all sections of this application form.
Graduate Profile
I have attached a copy of our Graduate Profile or have indicated the timeline of completion for our Graduate Profile.
Letters of Partnership
I have attached three letters of partnership/support.
Excel Budget Proposal
I have attached a copy of the Excel Budget Proposal.
PowerPoint Presentation
I have attached a copy of the PowerPoint Presentation.
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