Choose your class below. When you select to pay with paypal, you do not have to have a paypal, it will just allow you to use your debit or cc to pay for the class.
Please be sure that you select the class in YOUR area, there are two class location options! We are hosting in Asheville NC and in Greer SC.
If you have questions about class please text or call Mara 912-604-1938
All NC classes are held at 59 Green Valley Rd, Asheville NC 28806
All UP State SC classes are held at 4813 N. Hwy 14, Greer SC 29651
Each class is limited to 10 couples, and each ticket covers a couple.
WaiverI understand that physical exercise can be strenuous and there is inherent risk in participating in any exercise program. I agree to assume those risks personally and hereby release Kooshlie Care Doula Services LLC and 4th Trimester Fitness® LLC, its members, managers, employees, agents, representatives and instructors (the “Released Parties”) from any and all claims or liability, loss or expense for any injury or discomfort I or my baby may sustain as a result of my participation in this program. I give permission for photographs taken of me and my baby (and my partner if in attendance) while participating in the class to be used in social media and marketing/public relations materials in the promotion of Kooshlie Care Doula Services. At any time during class, I can let the instructor know that I prefer not to be photographed.
Choose from one of the PayPal options to make your payment.