Important Membership Information:
Article VII, Section C of the Republican Party Plan of Organization states: A member of an Official Committee is held to a higher standard of support for nominees of the Republican Party than an individual who merely participates in a mass meeting, party canvass, convention or primary. Therefore, a member of an Official Committee is deemed to have resigned his Committee position if he (a) makes a reportable contribution to and/or (b) allows his name to be publicly used by and/or (c) makes a written or other public statement in support of a candidate in opposition to a Republican nominee in a Virginia General or Special Election.
Article VI, Section 6. (A) of the CCRC Bylaws states: Any member who is absent without sending a valid proxy for two (2) consecutive duly called County Committee meetings shall be notified that his membership on the Committee will lapse effective on the next duly called meeting. A person having been so notified may avoid losing membership by attending the next duly called meeting. A person having lost his membership under this subsection may apply for reinstatement to the Executive Committee or to the County Committee.
As a member of the Chesterfield County Republican Committee, I understand that it is my obligation to support all Republican Nominees who appear on the ballot in Chesterfield County.