Circles Volunteer Interest Form
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Best way to contact you (phone, email, text)
Areas of Interest
Make a monetary donation
Share Circles with another organization
If you are interested in being part of one of our "Volunteer Teams" choose the areas you are most interested in. If you are unsure please mark the box labeled "Need more information"
Community Team (support the weekly meetings)
Recruitment Team (help recruit other Volunteers and Circle Leaders)
Services Team (help link participants to community resources)
Jobs and Education Team (link participants to job and educational pathways)
The Big View Team (support progress through policy change)
Need more information
If you marked "Share Circles", please mark what your organization is and what your relationship to that organization is.
Are you able to attend weekly meetings on Thursday evenings?
The Circles Program is set to launch in January which is when we would need the most volunteers. However, a lot of prep is needed before the launch. What is your availability like?
I'm ready to roll now!
I'm ready to roll now AND in January
I'll be ready to roll in January
If you chose "other", please explain your availability
How did you hear about Circles?
Can we add your email address to our Volunteer Messengette? It would keep you in the loop of any upcoming volunteering opportunities. (We won't spam or flood your inbox).
Should be Empty: