Horary Reading
What is the question burning in your heart? I can answer specific questions about your life situation by using an astrological chart of the moment. Questions must be about your life or someone close to you. You must not have asked this question from other divination methods. The same question cannot be asked within a time period of 6 months.
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This is a gift for someone else
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No, this is for myself
Recipient's Name
Recipient's Email address
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Message to Recipient (optional)
What is your question?
Please provide several sentences explaining the context of your question, for clarity. Please also explain what you have tried so far.
Is this question unique?
Please Select
Horary does not work if you have already consulted another form of divination about the same question, or if you have already asked this question within the past 6 months. If the answer is no, please consider finding a different question, or waiting several months if possible.
Are you ready for any answer, even if it's not what you want to hear?
Please Select
If receiving an answer you do not want will cause you considerable distress, please do not ask the question. It is sometimes better to take life as it comes and find a way to make peace with living in the present.
Do you require any disability accommodations?
Yes, please send my report as a screenreader-friendly document
Yes, please send my report with narrated audio
( X )
Horary Reading
I will email your reading to you. Please double check that your email address is correct!
Please rush my reading
Normally turnaround time is 3-4 business days. If you need the answer in 24-48 hours, there is a rush charge.
Financial need: half price Horary reading
I can offer two half-price readings per month for people in need. If they have not been taken, you will be able to select this option. Please double check that your email address is correct! (This is an honor system. Please only use this option if you are in financial need.)
Credit Card Details
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Credit Card Number
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