We always need supplies for our moms and kids!
A great individual or group activity is assembling supply kits! If your group or organization would like to host a supply drive please contact us.
You are welcome to send in items from any of these lists separately and not as part of a kit as well! There are a range of kits needed, such as move-in and hygiene supplies. These provide our families with peace of mind so they can focus on building lasting self-sufficiency.
Spring Baskets: https://a.co/4gY1mIm
Frozen Family Meals: https://a.co/a9abCst
MAP:Kids Items: https://a.co/4kaFWpj
Coffee & Tea for Clients: https://a.co/5IJXwFt
Hygiene Items: Family hygiene kits include essential toiletries such as toothpaste, toothbrush, soap and deodorant. https://a.co/gfNHjgJ
Health & Wellness Items: Family health and wellness kits include items such as a thermometer, Band-Aids, etc. https://a.co/iWIqP0p
Welcome home baskets for newly housed families with cleaning supplies,
sponges, and dish towels: https://a.co/iovwoC0
New Baby kits with diapers, wipes and baby shampoo - Send your favorites please.
You don't need to sign-up to send supplies from any of the above lists (but you can if you'd like), just send items in! If you have any trouble with ordering, please reach out to Kelsy Schwalb at kelsy.schwalb@mapfamily.org or 470.885.7074 with any questions.
Thank you!