Please read all of the following guidelines and sign your student's name in agreement with the requested character conduct for Falls Creek 2024.
I (the undersigned in agreement with statement), do agree to follow the guidelines listed below, and in doing so make a commitment of character to the church, my family, my peers, and myself.
I will be respectful of myself, other students at camp, the sponsors, and the campground.
I will be sensitive, caring, and aware of other’s needs, and respect their space and wishes.
I will be accepting of all other individuals even if they are different than me.
I will take responsibility for my own actions and learn from my mistakes so as not to repeat them unnecessarily.
I will not participate in, encourage, promote, or condone, in any manner illegal (fireworks, alcohol, drugs), unethical, or potentially harmful activities (vaping, vandalism) to myself or the campground.
I understand physical or verbal abuse towards other campers will not be tolerated period.
I understand that I will, in no way, be alone and out of sight with someone of the opposite sex.
I understand that proper attire is important and may be different for different situations. I will follow the Falls Creek guidelines for dress code.
I understand that while I am at camp the sponsors, youth leaders, and camp staff have my best interest in mind, and I will follow their lead beginning with the trip to camp through my return.
I will follow the schedule for the week doing my best to be where I am supposed to be when I am supposed to be there. I will also participate in all events that are scheduled for me.
I will keep my belongings in order and respect others by keeping my bunk area clean.
I understand the reason for camp is to focus on Jesus Christ, therefore I will leave all my electronic devices at home. I will NOT use my cell phone except as directed by the Student Ministry Cell Phone Policy (during allowed times, and for sanctioned purposes: calls and texts to family members during free time, and camera during activities). Social Media use and listening to Music are prohibited while at camp.
I will have fun, but not at someone else’s expense; this includes pranks.
Knowing that the purpose for this camp is to provide teachings about Jesus Christ, I will commit to being open to God’s leading in my life this week.
I will not enter another cabin for any reason.
As a camper, I understand that I am required to be in a group of at least three as I move about the campgrounds. This is for my protection as well as my accountability during the week.