Lend a Helping Hound
Support group for dogs who have difficulties around other dogs. Neither you nor your dog will ever be asked to go up close to or have your dog off leash around another dog who is nervous and/or reactive. These sessions are there to build confidence and learning for reactive dogs around a whole host of other dogs. You and your dog will learn how to ignore and be confident and comfortable around other dogs who are not so confident. When working with these dogs, we will never push them into a situation where they are barking or lunging, we always keep them under threshold so that they can properly learn and feel better. These sessions are free for our Helping Hounds. Sessions are typically on Sundays in our training field in Prosperous. Each week I will send out an email with available slots to lend a Helping Hound (and yourself), if you are free to help out just reply to the email, if not just ignore it and hopefully we will see you next time. Being able to offer this support to dogs who are having difficulties makes a huge difference to their recovery and ability to rejoin normal everyday life with their families.
Your Name
First Name
Last Name
Your Email Address
Mobile Number
xxx xxxx
Your Dog's Name
Your Dog's DOB
Approximate date of birth is fine
Your Dog's Breed
Approximate is fine
Is your dog Male or Female?
Is your dog neutered/spayed?
If they are neutered/spayed, what age did they get the procedure done at?
I understand that I may leave this group at any time by emailing info@thedogtreanor.com. I also understand that this group is not suitable for dogs who are reactive to other dogs or people or who may have noise fears or phobias. I am not obliged to attend any sessions that I have not requested to join and will receive work to do with my dog as part of the sessions. If I am uncomfortable at all during any sessions I may signal to the lead trainer and leave the space as safely directed at any time. I will receive full directions on how to safely participate from the lead trainer, these may be online, via phone or in person.
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