Many thanks for volunteering to assist us at our Festive Fayre. We are a small team so very much appreciate any assistance at our events.
We request that volunteers give a minimum of 2hrs to make scheduling easier, but if you can stay for longer that's great.
All volunteers will get a free Mulled Wine/Hot Rum/Apple or non-alcoholic alternative and we will arrange food for anyone staying for the whole day.
Roles include activities such as:
- Set-up/De-rig - Directing stalls/vehicles, Putting up/taking down Gazebos, Setting up FOLP stall, clearing the site of rubbish etc.
- General Stewarding - Looking out for/reporting issues, Litter picking/Cup collecting, directing/helping attendees, guestimate attendee counts, getting mailing signups/survey responses/donations.
- Serving on the FOLP Refreshment/Info Stall - Selling Drinks and Food, encouraging mailing sing ups. Encouraging people to take part in out park surveys and donate towards the event/FOLP.
- Welfare Assistant - Giving out children's ID bands, helping with any welfare/lost child incidents.
- Children's Activity Assistants - Helping with the crafts/games.