I, or on behalf of my child listed below, for myself and for my heirs, assigns, successors, executors, administrators and legal representatives, hereby release and agree that I will not sue RFS, LLC., and its trainer/instructors/managers, or guest or assistant instructors invited by RFS, LLC., its Owners, Officers, Agents, Volunteers, Servants and/or Employees, for money damages and/or for any injury, loss and/or death, emotional distress, or from theft to person, horse/pony/farm animal or possession, sustained by me while using the facility, equipment and/or horses/ponies/farm animal owned by, boarded at RFS, LLC., or brought onto the property for use by RFS, LLC., even if due to the NEGLIGENCE of RFS, LLC., and its trainers/instructors/managers named above or guest or assistant instructors invited by RFS LLC., its Officers, Agents, Volunteers, Servants and/or Employees.; and