Mass Text Messaging (MTM) Program Terms and Conditions
Service Description:
- Our Mass Text Messaging Service Program is used to maintain open communication lines in a quick and effective way. The MTM program provides updated information to the Families of our members through the use of a Mass Text Messaging service. This provides critical information in emergency circumstances, updates to program structures and operational changes within the facility, reminders on current events and special events, changes to daily operations when they arise, and various other communication needs.
- By agreeing to opt-in to BGCHHI’s MTM Program participants agree to receive communications through text messages. BGCHHI will not share user data with external marketing groups, other members, or companies without expressed permission from the user. BGCHHI will never sell users personal data under any circumstances.
- BGCHHI does not charge a separate fee for receiving Text Messages through our MTM program, service provider charges may apply to which BGCHHI is not responsible.
- Users can “OPT-OUT” of this service at any time by texting the word “STOP” to the short code from which users receive their messages. Additionally, Users can “OPT-IN” by texting “BGCHHI” to our 6-digit short code (484848).
Messaging Frequency:
- Text Messages will not exceed 10 messages per month unless an occurrence creates reasons to exceed that amount (weather threat, building security, early closures, etc.)
Changes to the MTM Program:
- BGCHHI reserves the right to make changes to our MTM Program at any time. These changes will be communicated to users through this agreement. Users agree to periodically review this agreement to ensure that they are aware of any changes as they arise.
Help Procedures:
- Should users need to contact support for help with BGCHHI’s MTM Program they can find support at the contacts below:
o James Brinson (Director of Technology & Membership Services)
o Kathleen Moran (BGCHHI Office Manager)
o BGCHHI Main Office Line:
(843) 689-3646
Agreement Inclusion for Membership Application
I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions of BGCHHI MTM (Mass Text Messaging) program and agree to receive text message from BGCHHI regarding weather emergency, new updates, potential risks, and various other operational information (Standard service provider messaging rates apply).
Please list the best Mobile Number (capable of receiving text messages) below.