I understand that I have been provided with information about my financial responsibility for certain hospice services (drug copayment and inpatient respite care). I understand that I have the right to request at any time, in writing, the "Patient Notification of Hospice Non-Covered ltems, Services, and Drugs" addendum that lists items, services, and drugs that the hospice has determined to be unrelated to my terminal illness and related conditions that would not be covered by the hospice. I understand that I have been provided information regarding the provision of Immediate Advocacy through the Beneficiary and Family-Centered Care Quality Organization (BFCC-QIO) if I disagree with any one of the hospice's determinations and I have been provided with the contact information for the BFCC-QIO that services my area.
Visit this website to find the BFCC-QIO for your area. https://quiprogram.org/contact-zones or call 1-800-MEDICARE (1800-6334227). TTY users can call 1-877-486-2048. The QIO for Texas is Kepro; Kepro may be contacted at 1-888-315-0636 or visit https://www.keproqio.com