Woodworks @ Salthouse Point
Consultation for planning application April 2024 (closing date 26th April)
How much do you like the plans for the proposed development?
Dislike strongly
No opinion
Like Strongly
Do you think the development will have an impact on the area?
Very negative
No impact
Very positive
Please comment on your response
What do you think we should do to minimise the environmental impacts? (Choose as many as you like)
Wildlife habitat creation
Tree planting
Protect certain areas of the site
Maximise recycling in facility
Minimise waste in facility
Minimise traffic
Use low carbon approaches
Generate electricity on site
Use natural building materials
Permeable surfaces to reduce flooding
Use green roofs for the buildings
What should we do to maximise positive social and economic outcomes? Choose as many as you like)
Provide training schemes
Provide apprenticeships
Offer volunteer opportunities
Provide information about sustainable construction
Provide some sort of community facilities
Hold open days to tell people about the project
Please let us have any further feedback or ideas you have about the proposed development.
Leave your email if you would like to be kept informed about this project.
Thankyou very much for your time
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