WHAT: A day of faith, fun, games and preparation as we ask the question 'Who is Mary and why should I care?' This will give our kids the opportunity to learn about the absoulte gift of Mary as our Mother through games, talks, activities, and Holy Mass!
WHEN: The event takes place Saturday the 11th of May. Registartion starts at 11:00am and the day concludes by 15:00
WHERE: The youth day will be hosted in the Gillis Centre in Edinburgh.
WHO: This event is open to all primary 4 - 7 children.
WHAT ELSE: We will keep your kids fuelled with sweets and snacks, but please send them off with a packed lunch. Please God we will have clear skies, so suitable warm outdoor clothing should also be brought. If your child requires any medication, please let us know in the consent form, and ensure that medicines are packed and clearly labelled.
This is going to be a great day and we can't wait to see your kids there. Spaces are limited so send your forms back ASAP to secure your place!
God Bless you!
Fr Martin & Fr Robert