Now therefore, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein, it is agreed as follows:
Rutter’s will permit the Organization to sell coupon books for participating Rutter’s locations as part of a fundraising project for the Organization.
Upon approval by Rutter’s, the Organization shall pay Rutter’s in full for the coupon books requested at a rate of $5.00 per coupon book. All purchases of coupon books shall be final.
Payment should be sent directly to Rutter’s at this address:
Attn: Fundraising
2295 Susquehanna Trail, Suite C,
York, PA 17404
The undersigned, individually and on behalf of the Organization, agrees to pay for the coupon books in full upon Rutter’s approval and acknowledges that the coupon books are non-refundable and unsold coupon books may not be returned. Additionally, the undersigned agrees that the Organization shall be responsible for all coupon books purchased and that Rutter’s will not replace or refund any lost or stolen coupons, whether or not the loss is due to any negligence on the part of the Organization.
The Organization agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Rutter’s in connection with any liability incurred as a result of the sale or distribution of the coupons as referred to herein.