2025 Show Me Service Award Nomination Form
Missouri Community Service Commission
The Missouri Community Service Commission (MCSC) is seeking nominations for the 23rd Annual Show Me Service Awards. The Show Me Service Awards highlight the service and volunteerism that Missourians provide to strengthen communities and improve quality of life. To provide a diverse group of awardees each year, the awards are presented by region and include age-specific awards, national service awards, business awards, and community awards. The deadline to submit a nomination is March 11th at 11:59 pm.
Nominator E-mail
Nominator Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Nominee Name
First Name
Last Name
Nominee E-mail
Nominee Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Nominee Address
Street, City, State, Zip
Nominee Region
Kansas City Area
St. Louis Area
North/Central MO
Southern Missouri
Please select the correct category for the nominee:
AmeriCorps Member of the Year: Presented to a person who served in either AmeriCorps State, National, NCCC, or VISTA in the past year.
AmeriCorps Senior Volunteer of the Year: Presented to a person who served in an AmeriCorps Seniors (Senior Corps) program in the past year.
Youth Volunteer of the Year: Presented to those under 18.
Adult Volunteer of the Year: Presented to those 18 to 54.
Senior Volunteer of the Year: Presented to those over 55.
Business of the Year: Presented to a for-profit business that has provided opportunities for its employees/volunteers to volunteer in the community.
Community of the Year: Presented to a community (municipality or county) or nonprofit organization or collaborative group of individuals that has come together on a specific service project or ongoing service activity.
Where is the AmeriCorps member/Senior volunteer serving?
Please list the AmeriCorps program/organization.
This nominee served approximately _________ hours during the last year.
Question 1: Name 3-5 measurable outcomes that are a result of the nominee's service. e.g. # of meals served.
Question 2: Provide 1-2 paragraphs describing the service the nominee performs, the difference they are making. Who do they impact? Why is it important?
Question 3: Provide a short quote and/or testimonial from a fellow volunteer, staff person, community member, etc.
Name Check: Confirm correct spelling of nominee's name and pronunciation.
Photo of Nominee: Please provide a good quality photo of the nominee. This will be used for a presentation.
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