Weekly Rate
Adults (16 and older): $170 per week
Kids 5-15: $80 per week
Kids under 5: free
Family Rate (2 adults and kids 21 and under): $400
Daily Rate
Adults (16 and older): $35.00 per day
Kids 5-15: $20 per day
Partial Day
Breakfast: $5
Lunch: $10
Dinner: $10
A $50.00 deposit must be paid before housing is assigned.
Make Checks Payable to Community of Christ. They can be sent to:
Salt Lake City Community of Christ
Attn: Leslie Dalton
2747 E Craig Dr
Salt Lake City UT 84109
Or by Venmo at: https://venmo.com/u/Salt-Lake-CofChrist
Please specify that it is for Reunion 2024.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact:
Michelle Phillips mphillips@cofchrist-iwest.org or Brittany Mangelson bmangelson@cofchrist.org.