Please note that it is a fundamental term of your employment that you make appropriate full disclosure in respect of the questions outlined above. You should also note that if the school is satisfied, in the future, that have made an incomplete or inaccurate disclosure, you may face disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
The school undertakes that all responses furnished by you in respect of the above questions will be treated as confidential, subject to any reporting obligations which may be imposed on the school, pursuant to “Children First” published by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs, the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools published by the Department of Education and Skills or pursuant to any legal obligation imposed on the school to facilitate the effective investigation of crime.
In the event of your being recommended for appointment to this position, the Board of Management is obliged to comply with the terms of current DES Circular Letters. The Board of Management’s policy is that all newly appointed teachers and support staff will be vetted and that the outcome of the vetting will be considered in the light of the school’s vetting policy. This applies in respect of appointments to teaching posts, principal and deputy principal positions where the person is not currently an employee of the school and applies irrespective of whether the individual has been previously vetted or not.