Greater North Fulton Chamber members are permitted to use the GNFCC Chamber logo following the policies and procedures outlined below. Use of the logo outside of these policies is not
1.The Greater North Fulton Chamber logo may not be used on print or electronic materials that advertise a non-GNFCC event.
2. The Greater North Fulton Chamber name, logo or sponsorship may not be used in soliciting funds or additional sponsorships without expressed written consent of the Greater North Fulton Chamber Directors.
3. Only the Greater North Fulton Chamber color logo may be used in specified PMS 7692, 123, and 382 in any formats approved in the Graphic and Communications Standards Guide.
4. At such time that I am no longer an active member of the Greater North Fulton Chamber, I agree to delete the Greater North Fulton Chamber logo from all, including but not limited to, printed and electronic promotional materials.
I have read, clearly understand and agree to the restrictions for the use of the Greater North Fulton Chamber logo.
Purpose of logo use: Signature: