Ed Director Attendee Survey - RAPDD 2024
Thank you for attending RAPDD 2024! Please take a moment to provide feedback about your experience.
1. Have you attended RAPDD before this year?
2. Please rate the following:
Not Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Topics - Overall
Session Content - Overall
Speakers Presentation - Overall
Pre-conference communications
Conference Programs
Opportunity to Network
Joint Sessions
Dinner by Reservation
Excellence in Education Dinner
Ambassador Program
3. Did you find RAPDD to be beneficial and relevant to you and your career?
. . . If "no," what suggestions do you have?
4. Was RAPDD 2024 a positive experience? Please elaborate.
5. Please rate the Presenters.
Not Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Valerie Garcia
Andrea Marzullo Lane
Melissa Hailey
John Gillam
Heather Haase
Robert Kennedy III
Lisa Betts
Steve Dickie
Craig Grant
Monica Neubauer
6. Was there anything you wish RAPDD provided to you that was not? Please elaborate.
7. How can we improve this event?
8. Would you attend RAPDD in the future?
9. We would love to use comments from you to promote RAPDD. Here is where you can leave a testimonial for us to use, but be sure to put your name at the end to indicate permission. (If you would rather do a video, that is great! Email it to alaina@sckrealtors.com.)
Should be Empty: