Please sign and submit the next field. After submitting you will be redirected to our secure ONLINE PAY FORM. Make sure to select the correct fee in the REGISTRATION FEE OPTION.
If you need to make payments, arrangements can be made. Do not let money be a reason not to register.
You will also receive an email confirmation of your submittal w/ a PDF ATTACHMENT with the Diocesan Permission and Liability Forms: R14, R22, and R30 forms (for you to return).
Please FILL OUT, SIGN, and do one of the following options:
- Email to
- Bring to the first meeting
Your Registration is not complete until we receive the FORMs R22B & R24.
Thank you!
By checking the next field, I understand and give permission for my son/daughter to participate both in Person and (On-Line if needed) at St. Anthony of Padua Confirmation program.