Event Overview: Join us for a groundbreaking evening as Leslie Pryor Productions proudly presents "Murder at the Disco Lounge," the first-ever black and woman-owned production company to bring a soulful murder mystery with an all-black cast in Louisville, KY. This historic event aims to raise awareness and celebrate Juneteenth history in a unique and entertaining way.
Event Details:
* Date: June 30th, 2024
* Venue: Mellwood Art Center,
* Time: Matinee 3pm, Evening 6:30pm
1. Small Business Sponsor $50
- Logo placement on event page
- Social media shoutout
2. Small Business Sponsor Plus -$100
- Logo placement on event page
- Social media shoutouts
- Logo placement on LPP website
- A chance to win the a pair of tickets
3. Creative Sponsor -$300:
- Logo placement on event page
- Social media shoutouts
- Website logo placement
- 2 VIP tickets
- Event Shout out.