Other Year Groups, Student Entry September 2024 ONLY
The process of admission to Bremore ETSS will include a number of stages.
Note: Bremore ETSS reserves the right to change any of the dates and procedures outlined below in accordance with changing circumstances.
Submission of an application form for enrolment is not a guarantee of a place in Bremore Educate Together Secondary School (see Admissions Policy).
Applicants should read the school's Admission Policy prior to completing the application form.
The School’s Admissions Policy is available on the school website.
Admission Policy:
Annual Admission Notice for 2024/2025 school year:
The information requested on the application form is required in order to process your application for admission to the school. The information provided by you will be treated confidentially and processed in line with the school’s Admission Policy.
Any personal data provided on this form will be used to (i) identify applicants (ii) process an application in line with the school’s admissions policy (iii) communicate with parents/guardians in respect of an application (iv) notify parents/guardians of the outcome of an application.
The information will be retained for an appropriate period thereafter to address any potential queries arising from the application process or added to the student’s school file in the case of successful applicants.
In accordance with section 66(6) of the Education Act 1998, as amended, personal data relating to applications for admission may be shared with the board of management of another school or the patron in order to facilitate the efficient admission of students. This information may include the date on which an application was received by the school, the date on which an offer was made and the date on which an offer was accepted. Personal information concerning applicants may also be shared, including their name, address, date of birth and PPS number. Further information on the handling of your personal data, including how to exercise your rights under GDPR, is set out in the school’s Data Protection Policy, which is available on is available on the school website:
Applicants must have reached twelve years of age by January 1st of their first year in secondary school and should be no older than is appropriate to their peers. Students should have completed a primary school programme including 6th Class or equivalent.
Application forms will be made available from 10am on Wednesday 1st of May 2024.
All aspects of the application form must be completed fully by the parents/guardians of the student seeking enrollment. Failure to do so may result in a rejected application. (The information sought therein complies with the regulations of the various Data Protection Acts and will be managed in accordance with these acts.)
Application Forms can be completed electronically at the Bremore ETSS website, www.bremoreetss.ie/admissions, from 10am on Wednesday 1st of May 2024.
Application forms will only be accepted in respect of students entering 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th year in September 2024.
The closing date for completed application forms will be 4pm on Wednesday 22nd of May 2024.
Offers of places will begin by Wednesday 12th of June. Further information may be required at this time.
Failure to respond to an offer of a place in writing within 14 days of the offer being made will result in the place being forfeited.
Places will be offered in order of priority i.e. Priority Category 1, Priority Category 2, Priority Category 3 and Priority Category 4.
Anyone applying after 4pm on Wednesday 22nd of May will be placed on a waiting list and offered a place only after the 4 priority categories have been offered places.