Pursuant to FISD Board Policy FDA (LOCAL), the undersigned parent(s) or guardian(s) (“PARENT”) seeks for his/her child (“STUDENT”) the privilege of transferring to and attending FISD schools for the 2024-2025 school year. PARENT and STUDENT will be required to sign this Transfer Agreement as part of the Transfer Application process. If the Transfer Application is approved, this Agreement will govern the STUDENT’s enrollment during the 2024-2025 school year.
By submitting a Transfer Application, PARENT and STUDENT agree to and acknowledge the following:
Prior to approval of this Transfer Application, PARENT will be required to furnish to FISD
(1) the STUDENT’s birth certificate or other suitable document as proof of the STUDENT’s identity; and
(2) a copy of STUDENT’s records from the most recent school attended, including documentation showing that STUDENT has received all required immunizations;
During the application process, PARENT confirms that all information provided to FISD is true and accurate, and PARENT understands that seeking transfer to FISD with the use of false or inaccurate information may result in the rescission of this Transfer Agreement;
The PARENT and STUDENT agree to carefully read, become familiar and comply with FISD’s Student Code of Conduct and Student/Parent Handbook;
The PARENT and STUDENT share FISD’s commitment to quality schools and agree that STUDENT will make every effort to be an exemplary, model student both academically and in conduct and behavior;
Within the past 180 days, the STUDENT has NOT had
More than two (2) unexcused absences or 10 total absences and/or
More than two (2) office referrals for any reason and/or
More than one (1) discipline referral resulting in in or out of school suspension and/or
A discipline referral resulting in a DAEP placement, or expulsion.
At any time during the school year, a student’s transfer may be revoked if the STUDENT engages in one or more of the following:
Misbehavior resulting in suspension (in or out of school), placement in a disciplinary alternative program, expulsion
Two (2) or more office referrals for any reason
Falls below the compulsory school attendance law
Accumulates two (2) or more unexcused absences and/or
Fail to comply with attendance policies and procedures
The campus principal will act in accordance with discipline management procedures and due process and may recommend revocation of the student's transfer.
If the transfer is revoked, the STUDENT will be withdrawn from the transfer campus. It is the PARENT'S responsibility to enroll their STUDENT in the school within their attendance zone. The STUDENT will still be subject to disciplinary consequences in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. In addition, future transfer applications may be denied.
When considering the approval or denial of initial transfer applications or transfer renewal applications, the following nonexclusive list of factors may be considered:
(1) the availability of space and instructional staff, including whether the admission of the student would cause overcrowding of classes; hinder the District’s ability to provide services to currently enrolled students; or require the District to add personnel, programs, or buildings;
(2) the student’s attendance record; and
(3) the student’s disciplinary history and criminal history;
FISD is not responsible for STUDENT’s transportation (except as necessary for students receiving special education services as determined by the ARD committee);
If approved, STUDENT’s Transfer Agreement shall remain in effect for one school year, and PARENT will be required to submit a transfer application for each subsequent school year, in accordance with the timelines set by the District;
STUDENT’s conduct, disciplinary history, attendance, and other relevant behaviors, while enrolled in FISD, may result in the denial of future transfer applications.