The School, along with Holroyd Howe our Catering company, have a school agreement in place to safeguard students with regard to nuts at school. The School aims to practise a nut-free policy, although we recognise that this cannot be guaranteed, so it is the responsibility of everyone to ensure safe provision of special diets.
The School never knowingly use any nuts, but cannot guarantee that dishes are nut free as they may contain traces of nuts/nut derivatives due to the precautionary allergy statements such as “may contain” which are used by suppliers.
Caution must be taken when bringing in food or treats unless the ingredients have been checked carefully, likewise for any snack choices. Parents are requested to complete the Food Allergy & Intolerance Notification Form below from Holroyd Howe. It is the parent’s responsibility to inform the School of their child’s nut allergy prior to the start of the School year or as soon as possible after the diagnosis.
Please refer to Medical Conditions Policy Appendix E: Nut Usage, which can be found on the school website.
If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Medical Officer who will then liaise with the Catering Department.