What makes a Gaming City?
Please fill out the survey below to support the city of Philadelphia create it's Gaming & Technology goals!
Demographic Information
First Name
Last Name
Zip Code
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Who Am I?
How would you describe yourself:
Please Select
Gamer - Novice
Streamer / Content Creator
Developer / Coder
Tech Buisness Owner
Tech Recruiter
Parent of Gamer
Interested in Gaming
If you selected 'Other', please provide additional details
Position / Title
Affiliated Organization / University
Gaming & Technology in Philadelphia
What is making Gaming & Technology grow right now?
Are there any new technologies that will make a big difference?
Will any rules or laws help or hurt growth?
How difficult is it to be successful in the industry currently?
What problems are stopping the industry from growing faster in the city of Philadelphia?
Are there any groups of people this industry hasn't reached yet but could benefit from?
What should the City of Philadelphia do to grow more in these industries?
Any additional suggestions?
Gaming PHL 2024!
Gaming PHL 2024 is currently scheduled for September! We are still looking for support, please fill out the next section if you are interested or have some ideas!
In What ways would you like to support?
Panelist / Panelist Recommendations
Expo Partner / Set up a table
Discussion Topics
Other / General Support
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