The purpose of our worship team is to help create a woship experience that glorifies God and brings people into a lasting relationship with Jesus Christ.
Our worship team requires a high degree of commitment, which requires that members consider carefully when discerning if this is where God is leading them. Therefore, as a potential member of the worship team...
I aspire to:
1. Be a committed and faithful follower of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
2. Cultivate my relationship with Christ by intentionally taking time to be still and listen to God through prayer, scripture, other spiritual practices and disciplines.
3. Live publicly and privately in a manner that is consistent with my commitment to Christ and the relationship I have with Him.
4. Submit to the leadership and authority under which God has placed me.
5. Honor God with my social conduct including:
- Choosing to treat everyone as a valuable person, made in the image of God.
- Choosing sexual purity, modesty, and refraining from pre-marital sexual activity and pornography.
- Choosing to guard what I watch, read, and listen to, knowing that what I take in effects who I am and how I serve.
- Choosing to live an exemplary life in the areas of social media and online interaction, understanding that everything I type, post, like, share, tweet, retweet, etc. represents Crossroads CB Church and ultimately Jesus Christ.
I promise to:
- Attend faithfully and be on time to rehearsals and worship services.
- Support and encourage my fellow worship team members in prayer.
- Offer my creative input to the worship team with humility and grace.
- Neither speak nor listen to any negative word or gossip about my fellow worship team members or worship ministry.
- Communicate all worship team concerns in a godly and prayerful manner to the worship leader.
Rehearsals are mandatory. We have Thursday night rehearsal at 6:30pm, and Sunday morning rehearsal at 8:15am.
Dress Code:
- Please wear appropriate attire for all services in which you participate in.
- Guys- Modest at all times. Shirts with logos must be appropriate. NO crude/explicit content. Please use your God-given discretion.
- Ladies- Modest at all times. Low-cut tops are prohibited and must NOT show any midriff area. Please use your God-given discretion.
- These guidelines herein are necessary and designed to prevent distraction and criticism. Our role is to lead others into a place of worship, not draw attention to ourselves.