Registration For A Place
• NERPSA will determine the period during which registrations are able to be received for offer of places in the funded kindergarten programs for the following year.
• A separate registration form must be completed for each child, and for each proposed year of attendance at the service.
• To facilitate the inclusion of all children into the program, the registration form should clearly identify any additional or specific needs of the child (refer to Inclusion and Equity Policy).
• Completed registration forms are to be forwarded to the NERPSA office.
• Access to completed registration forms will be restricted to the person responsible for the enrolment process and staff at the service unless otherwise specified by NERPSA.
• Registrations will be entered on the waiting list using the eligibility and priority of access criteria.
• Registrations received after the closing date will be considered if there are available places, and after all other applicants have been offered a place, in line with the eligibility and priority of access criteria of NERPSA.
Offer of Places
• Places will be offered in writing to applicants in accordance with the eligibility and priority of access criteria of the service making clear that confirmation of places is not final until an up-to-date ACIR Immunisation History Statement has been received, assessed and found acceptable.
• NERPSA requires parents/guardians who have been offered a place to provide an up-to-date ACIR Immunisation History Statement for assessment two months prior to the child first attending the service in order that a confirmed place can be offered.
• Parents/guardians who do not have an up-to-date ACIR Immunisation History Statement and whose child is not eligible for the grace period are unable to commence at a service until acceptable documentation is provided.
• Parents/guardians who do not wish to accept the offer of a place, or intend to withdraw their enrolment, are requested to notify NERPSA in writing as soon as possible.
• Where the individual service provides more than one funded kindergarten program, places within the programs will be allocated by the individual service after confirmation of acceptance of a place.