1. We're trainers, not magicians. We provide ideas, strategies, and other information that is proven in the workplace. If the student decides not to use it, no change will take place.
2. At the end of each course, we ask students to focus on actions they will take to use what they have learned. We strongly advise that the student's direct supervisor sit with him/her for a few minutes within a day (or few days) of the training to discuss the knowledge gained and the action plan. While we made it clear we're not into magic, we think doing this is pretty close. Your return on investment should increase when you monitor the training in this way.
3. Refunds.
A. If somebody can't attend, the easiest thing is to send somebody else in their place.
B. Using our own training room for small classes reduces our expenses. This allows us to keep our course fees low, and the same with refund adjustments which include printing costs, and credit card/processor fees which we don't get back.
C. If you need to cancel seats and you do it at least three days before the class, you will receive a full refund, less $15.00 per seat cancelled. Credit card payments are refunded back to your card; ACH payments and checks are refunded by our check.
D. If you cancel seats inside of three days, including no-shows, you will receive a full refund, less $25 per seat cancelled. What's the difference between "C" and "D"? If we have a little more time, we may be able to fill the seat with another party.
E. The training suite is on the third floor of the Baltej Plaza, in Tamuning. There are elevators to bring you up, or you can take the stairs if you need exercise. The room we use is adjacent to Pacific Rim Construction. Turn left off of the elevators or stairs.
Can't think of anything else. Our lawyer would probably want us to add more stuff to the list, but he's gone so this is it for now.
If it all makes sense so far, just sign in the box provided below and then hit the "submit" button.