Thank you for your interest in being part of the Center's team! We ask all team members to go over this brief orientation so that you're aware of our basic policies and the culture of the Center.
Mission & Vision
Our mission is to empower LGBTQ+ people and their allies in Darke County, OH and surrounding areas to secure and maintain civil and social freedom, inclusion and accessibility(equity) by: Ensuring a safe, accessible and inclusive space for LGBTQ+ people and their allies; Advocating for inclusive policies, laws and institutions; Connecting LGBTQ+ people to health and wellness services; Fostering a sense of community; and Connecting LGBTQ+ people with leadership development opportunities. We envision a Darke County where LGBTQ+ people have full equality, are secure in their safety and well-being, and have the opportunity to authentically be themselves at school, work and in the community-at-large. We envision a Darke County where LGBTQ+ people are welcome and included, and their diversity and contributions are celebrated and acknowledged.
Programs and Services
The Center uses a holistic, public health approach to provide programs and services to empower our community and address key disparities and inequalities. We provide programs and services in five (5) keys areas, including the Center, Advocacy, Community Building, Health & Wellness and Leadership Development. The most up to date information about our programs, services, activities and events are located on the website at
Organization Culture
To support and promote a healthy team culture, the organization has adopted and adapted the key elements of the 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership by Jim Dethmer, Diana Chapman and Kaley Klemp. As team members, each of us commits to CARING through Communication, Abundance, Resolve, Integrity, Nurturing and Growth.
We recognize that healthy, honest and open communication creates healthy and thriving environments. We commit to listening to and giving voice to our feelings so that we can process them, and helping ourselves and others come to the best possible solutions. We honor ourselves and others by speaking our own truths, speaking assertively, and allowing others to speak their truths assertively, too. We're also dedicated to preventing toxic-cultures of gossip that force us to tell other people's stories - rather than our own - by talking directly to people with whom we have an issue or concern, and encouraging others to talk directly to people with whom they have an issue or concern, too.
We recognize that our mission and our work is worthy of resources (financial and otherwise) to support us as an organization, and as individual team members, providers and practitioners. We believe team members should be well supported, and we encourage a culture of accepting an abundance of positive energy, kindness, caring, funding, and resources.
We recognize problems, disagreements and conflicts are opportunities to learn, grow and do something a better way. Each of us commits to creating win for all solutions (win for me, win for the other person, win for the organization, and win for the whole) for whatever issues, problems, concerns, or opportunities that may arise. We commit to clearly stating our positions and seeing things from another person's perspective, so that we can find resolutions or solutions to reach the best possible outcomes for all involved.
We commit to the practice of integrity, where our feelings, actions and words are in complete alignment. This includes acknowledging our authentic feelings, expressing our own truths, and keeping our agreements to the best of our abilities. As an organization promoting health and well-being, we also commit to taking charge of our own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing to best of our abilities, and supporting others to do the same by offering encouragement and modeling our commitment to those we seek to serve; This includes seeking help and support for ourselves if and when we need it.
Nurturing Ourselves and Others
We commit to upholding a culture where we can express our full and authentic selves, while inspiring others to fully express their creativity and live in their zone of genius. Each of us are dedicated to nurturing a culture that encourages ourselves and our team members to become the best versions of ourselves, including being the source of our own security, control and approval. Ensuring that our work environments also make space for play, improvisation and laughter, and rest and renewal. We commit to valuing each person's contributions, and commit being fully open to both receiving and giving appreciation to one another.
We're committed to continuous internal and interpersonal growth for ourselves and others. We allow ourselves to be right and celebrate our victories, and we allow ourselves the grace of being wrong by acknowledging our mistakes and sharing our lessons learned. We view every interaction as an opportunity to learn and grow personally and professionally.
Conflict Resolution Process
In every organization, it's possible for conflicts to arise with regard to our understanding of policies, organizational strategies or organizational culture. We use a basic process for conflict resolution that aims to create positive growth, preserve or improve relationships, and honor all people involved.
Group Dynamics: We find it helpful for team members to understand the process of group dynamics, which includes 4 basic phases: Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing. In the forming phase, we're getting to know one another and incorporating new people onto our team. In the storming phase, we sometimes encounter conflict as we're learning that each of us has our way of achieving the same outcome, as well as the best ways to express our own boundaries and honor the boundaries of others, too. When we recognize this is a normal part of teams, we can usually move through this phase quickly and honor ourselves and others. The last two phases are norming - which includes a widespread agreement on routines, processes and communication styles - and performing, where we're able to focus on outcomes, and achieving the goals and objectives we set out to achieve. In many cases, this process can be quick and empowering, particularly when everyone is aware that it might be occurring.
Conflict Resolution Processes: In some cases, a conflict may arise that requires authentic communication and an intentional commitment to resolve. The organization encourages a simple process in line with our organizational culture.
Step 1. Talk to the person. Be specific about how a particular action or words may have violated a specific policy, or made you feel, and what you hope would occur to create a win.
Step 2. Allow the person to make corrections or to provide new information that helps you understand their perspective or actions. We all make mistakes and can have misunderstandings. Once the situation is resolved, we commit to moving forward from a place of resolve.
Step 3. If a situation cannot be resolved with the person directly, contact the President for possible solutions or mediation. In the event the conflict is with the President, contact the Board Secretary for guidance on presenting the issue to the Board of Directors.
When We're On the Receiving End of Conflict Resolution: Sometimes we might find ourselves on the receiving end of conflict resolution. If this happens, we follow similar steps.
Step 1. We allow the person to fully communicate their concern or understanding of the situation.
Step 2. We explain our own perspective or understanding of the policy or situation. If our explanation helps resolve the conflict, great! We appreciate that someone respected us enough to bring something to our attention and to help gain clarity. If a mistake was made on our part, we acknowledge it and take action to correct it. We all make mistakes and learning and growing from them is part of our own personal growth.
Step 3. If there continues to be an outstanding or disagreement, we commit to working through it to the best of our ability. If a situation cannot be resolved with the person directly, we contact the President for possible solutions or mediation. In the event the conflict is with the President, we contact the Board Secretary for guidance on presenting the issue to the Board of Directors.
Conflict of Interest & Confidentiality Policies
In every organization, people have roles or wear hats that can overlap with other roles or obligations in their personal or professional lives. When this happens, there is an opportunity for a conflict of interest. For the purpose of the Center, a conflict of interest is when a team member is in a decision-making role in any matter in which:
- They may receive personal or financial gain that is not entitled to all other team members, customers, participants and/or members of the corporation; and/or
- Provides unfair advantage to another entity with which they are also a decision maker or beneficiary.
As Center team members, we agree to openly and transparently disclose any potential conflicts of interest and agree to abstain from voting or making the final decision in matters in which a conflict of interest applies. If a potential conflict of interest does apply, a conflict of interest mitigation plan must also be adopted.
Example: A team member is an owner of a space for which the Center is considering renting. The team member discloses that they may receive personal financial gain from this transaction and abstains from decision-making regarding this issue. The Center may still choose to rent the space provided the decision is clearly the best possible option and is not made by the team member who owns the space. A conflict mitigation policy is adopted to outline how communications, transparency and oversight will be ensured during the landlord/tenant relationship.
Confidentiality: In the course serving as a board, staff member or volunteer for the Center, you may hear personal stories or learn about the Center’s internal communications and strategies that are not meant for public disclosure. Generally speaking, it is not acceptable to discuss client or customer information in any public setting, nor to disclose internal communications or organizational strategies unless specifically authorized by the Board of Directors.
Client/Participant Information: You may not disclose any confidential or personally identifying information of any client or customer, including but not limited to name, address, gender, sex, age, personal stories or circumstances to anyone other than:
- appropriate Center team members for whom the communication is absolutely necessary to provide services or resources; or
- to specific parties expressly authorized in writing by the person who is the subject of the information.
The Center promotes a culture of open communication, transparency and trust. In order to maintain this, certain information may be shared with team members that is intended solely for internal team members, and not meant for public disclosure. Generally speaking, all information learned while participating as a Center team member, including about specific clients, members or organizational plans, is confidential unless otherwise stated by the Executive Director, President or other appropriate team leader.
Self-Care: The Center promotes self-care for all team members, which can include counseling and other professional venting services for which confidentiality is also ensured. Discussion and processing of environment and experiences can often prevent the build-up of cumulative or associative trauma. However, care should be taken to maintain confidentiality when discussing matters during self-care and professional venting as well.
Crisis Intervention: Any Center team member may disclose the name, location and presenting issue to 911, first responders and mental health crisis response lines in the event any Center team member, client, customer or visitor or guest of the Center is experiencing a medical emergency or mental health emergency in which their lives are in danger.
Mandatory Reporting Policy: Center team members may or may not be lawfully mandated reporters. However, in the best interest of our clients, community and providers, the Center has its own mandatory reporting policy. In the event a person discloses an intent to physically harm another person, or when a child is in danger of abuse or neglect, Center team members should immediately the report the issue to the Board President and/or Board Secretary who will report the issue to social services within 48 hours or immediately call 911.
Files and Records: All files and records regarding Center team members, donors, clients, customers or that otherwise contain personal or sensitive information must be maintained in a confidential manner which includes secure online storage or files being maintained in locked cabinets at all times.
Summary: To maintain our organization’s integrity, as Center team members we each agree to disclose any potential conflicts of interest and agree to abstain from voting in matters in which a conflict of interest applies. A conflict of interest is any matter in which a team member may receive personal or financial gain that is not entitled to all other people who engage with the organization, or that provides unfair advantage to another entity with which they are also a decision maker or beneficiary. We also agree to maintain confidentiality of internal organization conversations, policies, programs and projects that have not been approved for public dissemination, including any information received about a client, partner, customer or user of the organization’s services, which includes, but is not limited, disclosing a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity, health status, economic status, mental health status, HIV/AIDS status, or any other personal information, without that person’s express consent.
Indemnity, Liability and Waiver
As Center team members, we each commit to doing our best in line with industry standards and best practices. Still, there are inherent and potential risks to being part of any organization. In joining the Center team, each of us agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Center, its board, staff, contractors, volunteers or other assigns for any actions, or causes of actions, seen or unforeseen, up to and including death, that could arise from being a part of the Center’s team, services, programs or activities.