I, Parent Name ,parent or guardian of Child's Name hereby give my child permission to participate in the NMBSA/BSU State Academic Conference. I hereby assume financial responsibility for any and all hospitalization and medical treatment provided. A copy of this form will be with the New Mexico Office of African American Affairs. Prescribed medication should be kept with sponsor/chaperone at all times. Prescribed medication minor is taking: Name of Prescription Allergies to food or medicine: Name of Food or Medicine I authorize the New Mexico Office of African American Affairs to obtain any medical care that may become necessary to Child's Name in course of such activity. In the event medical care becomes necessary, all efforts will be made to notify parents or guardians. I agree to not hold the Office of African American Affairs, my child's sponsor, chaperone, or anyone acting on the behalf of the aforementioned organizations, responsible for the action of my child during the program or for injury occurring to my child during the program. I understand that all state, local and federal laws apply throughout the duration of the program. The parent or guardian will be called on to assume responsibility for and all damages that may result from any prohibited action the minor may take while attending the NMBSA/BSU State Academic Conference.
Home Phone numberWork Phone number Cell Phone number Name of Person to contact in case of emergency First Name Last Name Contact Information Area Code Phone Number Relationship Relationship to Child