STEP 1: You complete Stage 1 of the Referral (this form!):
- Referrers Information
- Child’s Information – dietary, medical, behavioural, support requirements etc.
- Family Information – contacts and summary of adversities faced
- Program Information – which camp(s) are you referring the child to, who will be invoiced, how would they be transported?
STEP 2: The information provided in the referral is entered into our database and assessed by ERCKWA staff.
It is assessed against the selection criteria, the specific needs of the child, and if these can be met by our team of young adult volunteers. You need to be aware that by completing this referral form, you are consenting for ERCKWA to collect and store the information provided on this child/ren / family.
STEP 3: The child/family is offered a place on camp, or a position on the waiting list. An invoice with payment details will be sent out if a referral is accepted (the referral fee is $250). Once a child’s referral has been accepted, they will be eligible to attend programs for a year.
STEP 4: You complete Stage 2 of the Referral:
- Sign consent forms and read relevant policies including:
- Child Safeguarding Protocol
- Media Consent Form
- Medical Form for upcoming program (sent to relevant party)
STEP 5: Given that you agree to and sign the compulsory consents, and pay the referral invoice of $250, the child’s placement will be confirmed.
STEP 6: The child/ren attend camp & hopefully have a wonderful time.
STEP 7: You refer them again – because our model makes the greatest impact when we can support the same child/ren over a long period of time! A child will need to be referred annually to be eligible to continue to attend camps after their first year. To ensure we have accurate and up-to-date information regarding the child's living situation, behaviour currently displayed and services accessed we do require a full referral application to be submitted annually.