GSWO Grow Box Request Form
Use this form to request a GSWO Grow Box for new troops while supplies last.
Name of Volunteer who will be receiving kits for the troop.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Troop Number
Have you been introduced to your Community Development Manager?
I don't know
Please select the one that applies to you.
We are a new Daisy troop.
We are a new multi-level troop with 4 or more daisies.
We are an existing multi-level troop with 4 or more new daisies.
We are a new multi-level troop with 0-4 new daisies.
We are a new Brownie troop.
We are a new Junior troop.
We are a new Cadette troop.
How would you like to pick up your Grow Kit?
At your local Girl Scout Service Center
At your next Service Unit meeting
Meet with your CDM locally
Did the Girl Scout Experience Box program impact your decision to become a Girl Scout troop leader?
Please Select
1 - No Impact
2 - Slight Impact
3 - Neutral
4 - Positive Impact
5 - Extremely impactful in my decision-making
Please verify that you are human
Should be Empty: