Despite the proliferation of Latin American knowledge creation online, there are a few professional development opportunities that support librarians, archivists, book dealers, book professionals, scholars, and students who seek to work with Latin American focused web archives computationally (e.g., text and data mining, data visualization, network analysis). The Internet Archive, Columbia University, and San Francisco State University aim to deliver a 90 minute workshop that introduces Latin American focused scholars and professionals to web archives as a primary source in computational research and provides hands-on experience computationally analyzing data from these collections using nonprofit services and open source tools like ARCH (Archives Research Compute Hub), Palladio, and jupyter notebooks. Latin American Studies and the Web builds upon prior experience providing professional development opportunities for scholars and professionals at the National Humanities Alliance Conference, Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) annual conference, and the National Gallery of Art. Participants in the proposed workshop will gain fluency in foundational web archive concepts as well as an introduction to common research methods.
The workshop will be conducted in English.
Participants to the workshop will need to bring their laptops.