We are thrilled by your interest in the 2024 ELL Internship Program. This is a paid internship opportunity where we make learning our priority and earning is a bonus!
Each ELL intern will be paid a stipend totalling $840 in two increments- once in June, after mid-performance evaluations and again, in August, upon completion of the program. There are weekly requirements that must be fulfilled in entirety for interns to receive their full stipend, including:
- Completion of Leadership Lab Orientation Week (June 10th-June 14th)
- Completion of All Documentation
- Submission of Weekly Updates
- Attendance at ALL Financial Education Workshops (weekly)
- Participation in At Least Two (up to four) Exposure Excursions
- Participation in South End Service Days (8 hours total)
- Attendance at all required events (unless excused)
- Completion of one Peer-2-Peer Workshop
**Please note that interns demonstrating exceptional dedication and engagement may be eligible for a spot in the Trade Careers Prep & Pathways starting this Fall.

Please watch the video below before filling out the application to be sure that this is the opportunity for you! Previous applicants, please read all information carefully as requirements, expectations and program content has changed. A panel of skilled-trade professionals, educators, community organizers, and other involved community members will use the information you provide in this form to carefully identify applicants demonstrating a strong interest, work ethic and high commitment to starting and completing the internship. Our panel will also support the Executive Director in matchching interns and supervisors.
Applicants will recieve decision letters from Monday, May 20th- Friday, May 24th. If you are selected for the program, you will receive an email including next steps, schedules, expectations, and workbooks. Please complete this application to the best of your ability. Incomplete applications will be automatically disqualified. If you need help completing your application, please reach out to BJ Woods at thevillageplacear@gmail.com to receive support.