Podatki se zbirajo v evidenci udeležencev ERAC konference.
Namen zbiranja podatkov je zagotavljanje izdelava akreditacije ki omogoča vstop na konferenco in obeščanja v zvezi s programom ERAC 2024.
Dovoljujem IPO Slovenija, da hrani, obdeluje in uporablja moje osebne podatke za potrebe opravljanja svoje dejavnosti skladno s Splošno uredbo Evropske unije o varstvu podatkov General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) oziroma Regulation (EU) 2016/679, Zakonom o društvih (ZDru-1) in drugo nacionalno splošno veljavno zakonodajo, ki ureja delovanje združenja.
Seznanjen-a sem, da IPO Slovenija ureja varstvo podatkov s IPO SVN Statutom ter IPO SVN Pravilnikom o Varovanju Osebnih Podatkov (PrVOP2023).
S podpisom dovoljujem obdelavo zgornjih osebnih podatkov v evidenci udeležencev konference. Dovoljujem tudi, da smejo biti zgoraj navedeni osebni podatki posredovani ponudniku za izdelavo ERAC 2024 Akreditacije.
Izjavljam in potrjujem, da sem seznanjen/a s pravico do vpogleda, prepisa, kopiranja, dopolnitve, popravka, blokiranja in izbrisa osebnih podatkov, ki se nanašajo name v skladu z določbami Zakona o varstvu osebnih podatkov (ZVOP-2).
Izjavljam tudi, da sem navedene osebne podatke upravljavcu osebnih podatkov posredoval/a prostovoljno.
The data is collected in the records of ERAC conference participants.
The purpose of data collection is to ensure the creation of accreditation that allows entry to the conference and announcements related to the ERAC 2024 program.
I allow IPO Slovenia to store, process and use my personal data for the purposes of carrying out its activities in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the Companies Act (ZDru-1 ) and other national generally applicable legislation governing the operation of the association.
I am informed that IPO Slovenia regulates data protection with the IPO SVN Statute and the IPO SVN Rules on the Protection of Personal Data (PrVOP2023).
By signing, I authorize the processing of the above personal data in the register of conference participants. I also allow that the above-mentioned personal data may be forwarded to the provider for the preparation of the ERAC 2024 Accreditation.
I declare and confirm that I am aware of the right to view, copy, copy, supplement, correct, block and delete personal data relating to me in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act (ZVOP-2).
I also declare that I voluntarily provided the above personal data to the personal data controller.