The Stabler agrees to agist the Owner’s horse or horses identified below (“the horse”) at Winterwood Farm at 251 Saint Anthony’s Creek Road, Glanmire, NSW with the conditions set out below:
1. The Horse's Owner ("The Owner") agrees to pay all the Stabler’s fee of $30 per day (overnight constitutes as two days) as well as any other fees and charges associated purchased detailed below, payable at time of book and upon receipt of invoice where applicable.
2. The horse is at the Owner’s risk at all times. It is the Owner’s responsibility to insure the horse and any progeny against all risks while they are at the stable property (Winterwood) or being transported to and from the property. The Stabler shall not be responsible for any disease, accident, vice, illness or injury howsoever caused or arising to the horse whilst at the property or when transporting to or from Winterwood.
3. The Owner must notify the Stabler immediately if the Owner becomes aware that the horse suffers or has been in contact with any significant or notifiable sickness, disease or injury.
4. The Owner will pay all veterinary and other charges incurred while the horse is at Winterwood, or due to incidents that occurred at the property.
5. Water is provided whilst the horse is within the stable. The water is sourced from natural springs Located on the property.
6. The Owner is responsible for all feed and additional supplements required by the horse whilst stabled at Winterwood.
7. Basic bedding is provided, and additional bedding can be purchased for $25 per bag. If the bedding that is provided at the point of hire is left in a soiled/unreasonable condition, New bedding will be required to b e purchased at a cost of $25, payable by the Owner, payable upon recept of invoice.
8. The stable is to be left in a clean and tidy condition, if additional cleaning is required, a cost of $50 will be charged to the Owner, payable upon receipt of invoice.
9. Not included in fees is: Any training or education services, daily rugging, farrier service, dentistry, veterinary or reproductive fees.
10. The Owner acknowledges and agrees that stabling horses is at their own risk and agrees that, to the fullest extent permitted by Law, Cath will not be Liable to the owner nor their horse/horses for any loss, cost, damage or expense (Loss) caused directly or indirectly by either Cath, parties associated with Winterwood, or other horses, whether such Loss arises from the Negligence of Cath or aforementioned parties or otherwise.
11. The Owner agrees to indemnity and hold harmless to Cath, Winterwood Farm, McDowells Herbal PTY LTD and its subsidiaries against any Loss they or either of them incur from a claim against either of them by a third party arising out of my conduct at any clinic or other activity whether such claim arises out of my negligence or otherwise.