Foster Period
Foster understands and AGREES that it is not possible to accurately estimate the amount of time required to adopt a pet, and that the foster period could take weeks to months. We require all pets in foster homes for two weeks before posting them for adoption. Foster AGREES and is committed to the foster pet for as long as is necessary. If Foster can no longer care for the pet, Foster shall notify an PAWS representative and make every effort to find a suitable foster or adoptive home for the pet. However, the Foster understands that it may take time to find the pet a sufficient replacement foster or permanent adopter for its needs.
Foster shall coordinate and schedule all medical veterinary or training through a PAWS representative. Foster shall be responsible for transporting the Pet to and from all such appointments. All Foster pets should be taken to a PAWS approved vet. If Foster takes pet to a vet not approved by PAWS, foster accepts that they are responsible for the bill.
Food & Supplies
PAWS will provide Foster with food and or supplies necessary for the care of the Pet during the term of the foster care; provided, however, foster shall notify a PAWS representative in advance regarding any expected supplies or food needed for the care of the Pet. If Foster decided to purchase supplies at their own expense, please save the receipt as these are tax deductible. Please reach out to a PAWS representative for a list of approved foods and reimbursements.
Foster understands that PAWS is strictly volunteer and donation based, and we cannot afford to provide higher end foods and items. We do carry supplies on hand, and can arrange supply drop offs or order our approved list of brands via amazon to Foster. If Foster prefers a brand PAWS cannot provide, Foster is responsible for that expense.
Marketing and Promotion
PAWS makes pets available for adoption through social media, our website and other online adoption sites. Foster is responsible and expected to assist in marketing the Pet for permanent adoption, including but not limited to providing photos and a good description of Pet for PAWS marketing materials.
Option to Adopt
If foster decided to permanently adopt the Pet, Foster shall notify a PAWS representative and upon approval, shall follow established adoption procedures including signing the Adoption Contract and paying the adoption fee.
Foster AGREES to care for and love ANY foster dog/cat given to them by Pottsboro Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) as if it were my own.
Foster AGREES to provide the dog/cat with exercise, basic obedience training and house/litter training.
Foster UNDERSTANDS that all dogs/cats placed in foster care need to be spayed/neutered and vaccinated. If I receive an unfixed dog/cat, PAWS may request that I schedule an appointment with a designated PAWS veterinarian and assist in transporting the dog/cat to and from the appointment. If I cannot arrange to do the transport myself, I will contact my PAWS representative and assist in any way I can.
Foster UNDERSTANDS that no dog/cat CAN be adopted before being spayed or neutered, unless otherwise stated under special circumstances.
Foster UNDERSTANDS that if I choose to go to a vet of my choosing, I may be responsible for the vet bill.
Foster UNDERSTANDS that PAWS will reimburse necessary supplies for the animal. Receipts must be provided to Sara within 7 days of the purchase for the supplies.
Foster UNDERSTANDS how to be reimbursed for said purchases. PAWS appreciates willingness to donate toward the dog/cat’s general expenses, such as treats, toys, etc., and PAWS will offer donated items, as available, for use by foster homes (Such general expenses, if paid for by a foster home and not by PAWS, may be tax deductible.) Crates and other supplies can be lent to foster homes and returned to PAWS when a foster dog is adopted.
Foster UNDERSTANDS that we require dogs/cats to be in their foster home for two weeks before being posted for adoption.
Foster UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES that any potential adopter MUST be approved by an authorized PAWS representative. We will send you each application and work WITH you to find the best forever home for your foster pet.
Foster AGREES to let PAWS know if prospective adopters may contact me directly by phone or email.
Foster understands that even if this animal has been housed with cats in its foster home that PAWS cannot guarantee the behavior with a new cat(s) will be the same. Please use caution when introducing a new dog to existing cats in the household. If you need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact a PAWS representative.
Foster UNDERSTANDS that PAWS highly recommends letting your foster decompress for at least 3 days before SLOWLY introducing your new foster pet to the other animals in your home.
Foster AGREES to keep each foster dog that comes into my care on a leash when outside my home or my own securely fenced yard.
Foster UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES that no foster dog that comes into my care will be allowed to run or play off leash in a dog park or other open public area wihtout letting a PAWS representative know beforehand.
Foster UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES that I am responsible for the safety of each foster pet that comes into my care, for the safety of other animals, and people that the pet encounters.
Foster AGREES to immediately notify my PAWS contact in the event of a missing or injured foster dog/cat.
Foster promises to notify PAWS if any foster dog/cat in my care is in need of veterinary care such as vaccinations, routine testing etc.
Foster AGREES to provide necessary medical care as soon as it is requested by PAWS and understands that PAWS will financially cover this medical care if taken to an approved vet.
Foster AGREES to make time to return their foster animal to the care of a PAWS representative (designated by Sara) or have it picked up by said PAWS representative without question within 24 hours of PAWS making the request.
PAWS retains the right to remove a foster dog/cat from my care at any time.
ALWAYS remember we are a team, we are here for you every step of the way, if you need guidance or have any questions, dont hesitate to reach out to a PAWS representative. We LOVE our fosters.
These terms and conditions also provide for the release of liability of PAWS and its volunteers on account of the actions of any dog or cat of any breed, which has been released into the ownership of PAWS and placed into the care of a foster.
Welcome to the team! We hope you have an amazing experience fostering through our rescue!